18th Floor, Pearl Oriental House, No. 60 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong

Hearing Aid and Assistive Listening Devices
Hearing Aids
The hearing aid industry is a fast-growing, high-tech field. It has now advanced to an all digital platform with hearing aids that yield much finer sound quality with many benefits and automatic features. Unlike other hearing centers in Hong Kong, we offer a selection of various hearing aid brands and a wide range of models for you to choose from, enabling us to pick the most suitable hearing aid for your need. Moreover, we are supported by Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists along with Speech Therapists to ensure that you will have the best follow-up service in one centre.
Assistive Listening Devices
Assistive Listening Devices

Amplifying Telephone
Geemarc AmpliPower
40/50 TeleTalker

Pocket Talker
William Sound, Personal Amplifier and Comfort Audio

Vibrating Alarm Clocks
Sonic Boom