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18th Floor, Pearl Oriental House, No. 60 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong
ENT Knowledge Base
What is your symptom?
Sleep Problems
What is Obstructive Sleep Aponea
Obstructive sleep aponea describe the condition that a patient have breathing pauses during sleep as a result of obstructions in the upper airway. Such pauses can happen hundreds of times every nights during sleep and each pause may last from a few seconds to minutes. This causes lowering of oxygen concentration in the blood, frequent awakenings and hence sleep of poor quality and in long term detrimental effects to the heart and brain.
Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Aponea in Adults
Night symptoms
Loud habitual snoring
Episodic cessation of breathing or snoring
Sudden awakening
Excessive sweating
Day symptoms
Excessive sleepiness
Loss of energy and fatigue
Morning headache
Loss of concentration
Easy forgetfulness
Mood change and irritability
Sexual dysfunction
Pediatric ENT Symptoms - Obstructive Sleep Aponea
Pediatric ENT Symptoms - Obstructive Sleep Aponea
Loud habitual snoring
Episodic cessation of snoring or breathing
Restless sleep or frequent turning
Abnormal sleeping position
Mouth breathing
Night terrors or sleep walking
Excessive sweating
Day symptoms
Difficulty in waking up
Excessive sleepiness
Short attention span and poor concentration
Mood changes and irritability
Dry mouth
Failure to thrive
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